Learning how to paint straight lines does not have to be a full-time job! Utilize these techniques and tips taken from our experts to paint straight lines on your wall using the freehand technique and with painters tape!
Crisp, Clean Paint Lines Start by preparing the paint
Straight lines can be achieved by a thorough preparation before you ever wet the paintbrush. If you're meeting the ceiling or trimming, this article on how to use the painters tape will provide you with the straight lines you want.
Squeaky Clean
Take the time to wash your surfaces or walls prior to you start painting. Clean your walls using the help of a cloth and soapy water to get rid of streaks of smudges, staining, and dust. Paint is more able to stick on clean surfaces.
Roughing It
Make use of a sanding sponge with a low grit to smooth over rough patches and bumps. Afterward, wipe using a tack cloth to remove dust.
Check the Tape
Selecting a top-quality painter's tape is well worth the dollars. The best quality tape will stop sloppy lines and leaks by ensuring better adhesion to the wall. It can also be removed with greater precision when the cutting is done, creating a straight, clean line.
Cuts Like a Knife
If you apply painters tape on the edge or trim, make use of a putty blade to smooth out, and then press the tape. This will reduce or minimize the amount of air bubbles and ripples and create a more seamless tapeline.
Below are some steps you need to do to achieve that sharp, straight line at the center of a surface painted with paint:
Step 1: Measure
Step 2: Tape
Step 3: Seal
Step 4: Paint